Left and Found…Sonoma Coast

_MG_6658_HDRI am so lucky to live so near the ocean. When I first moved to Sonoma County, I was so thrilled that it was only a short drive, I went as often as I could.

It’s a great place to shoot as the weather is always changing and you can start out on a sunny day and by the time you get to the ocean the fog has rolled in and it is windy and cold.

There is a wonderful hike that goes along a cliff overlooking the Pacific and depending on the time of year it is a place of many contrasts.

This ‘rock’ was visible from many different angles and points of view during the hike. Small in the distance, looming large as I approached closer. I love the way the rock is nestled in the nook of the grass. The colors are gorgeous and in post processing I softened the mid-tone edges just a bit to give it the look of how it felt to me.

Check out a how the Left and Found Project started!