Left and Found…Macro Magic

featherThis photograph has a bit of a story. I recently bought a reversal ring for my 50mm lens. It lets you reverse the lens and mount it backwards onto your camera body. Okay…now what? Well, we had just been working on making a full sized olive tree into a bonsai. Not particularly attractive yet. But, I started playing with objects sitting on top of the stripped wood. The golden color was appealing. I rummaged through some rocks and other stuff I had collected and picked up a feather. Placing it above the stripped trunk created an interesting abstract. The depth of field is not adjustable using the reversal ring. You have to move your body. And, it is so shallow that a tripod doesn’t work either because you have to be able to move a fraction of an inch. This photograph is a bit soft but I think it works with the delicate feather. No one said everything had to be sharp!

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